Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Friend and a Master

This is just a little thought on was was preached last night, about who God is to us.

It is said that we are a friend of God. He wants to hang out with us, meaning that we need to spend time with Him. One example of how big it is that God wants to be a friend of us, think about it, if the President of the United States hits you up on your cell and says "Hey man, your my friend, lets just chill today, no agenda" wouldn't that be mind blowing?! Your friends wouldn't believe it, you might not even believe it.

Now look at this. God said we are a friend of Him. He wants to hang out and spend time with us. Now, this is mind blowing because we know the President is a BIG deal, but God?! He CREATED YOU! He created billions of other people. He created the world we live in! He created everything in this galaxy that is every expanding just to fit Him! Now think about it, you get crazy excited if the president wants to hang out because you can relate to who he is and what he does and how much he has to do and would want to take time out of his day to hang out. BUT GOD IS LARGER! God wants to have a personal friendship with you!

God is also our master and we must obey Him and serve Him. One way to do that is to be a disciple of His and to do this, we must have knowledge of His word to be able to spread it to others.

I believe I have mentioned before that our church is reading through the new testament, so two chapters a day, five days a week. I really does not seem like much, but honestly I some times have a hard time keeping up on the reading and once you get far behind, it is tough to catch up. Doing this readings though has taught me so much though. Really getting into small portions at a time. I have attended a Christian Jr./Sr. High school and a year at a Christian University and I feel like more, now then ever, I am really getting into the word and learning who He is and what I need to be doing.

In doing the reading, I am not only spending time with my Father, but also obeying Him and reading His word, that I might be able to become a disciple for Him. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Peace and Hope

Things I search for day in and day out are hope and peace. Its incredible how much life can truly trample on you and bring you down. Even if things are hard, it is faith that will bring you Peace and Hope for the future for is says in Romans 5: 1-5
 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

Sometimes it is difficult for me to truly show faith, but I have been put at a point in my life where I have nothing with out faith. I know that through my trials I will learn and grow to become a true man of God. Through my suffering I will gain perseverance, which I will need to get through everything that life and my actions have brought on to me at this point, as well as through out the rest of my life because even what is happening today ends, tomorrow will bring even more, but God is good and will provide for us. As I have said before, He is OUR PROVIDER. He, and only He, is our Lord and Savior. With that perseverance, I will gain Character which in turn will bring Hope. It is all apart of growing up in general, as well as growing within God. 

This was just a short little thought on some reading I was doing today. Maybe it will reach someone that needs some words of encouragement that no matter what is happening, put that faith right back into God and He will help you persevere and come out more knowledgeable and able to grow from your mistakes, or just experiences, and help others and be able to show God in every aspect of your life. Let him be reflected in your everyday actions that people might see God through you. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

What is impossible with God? Nothing!

The past few months have been a huge struggle. I mean I really could be a lot worse off and I do not mean to complain about the daily struggles that everyone might have, but it really seems to have taken a toll, not only on me, but Britt as well. There are times that it seems like, " are we going to get out of this?"

Though we have been going through these struggles, there has always been some sort of blessing bestowed upon us that has gotten us through it.

God is good all the time. You just have to put your faith in Him. It says that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. It is incredible, the power of God. When you trust in HIM, NOTHING will be impossible, and that is not an exaggeration. He created all of us, He is our creator and can do as He pleases, but he needs us to have that faith that He can provide for us and give us what we need. One thing that I need to work on is something that my pastor said yesterday during the service. 
"Everyone prays 'Give us what we need" and we are not being greedy by doing that at all, but we need to pray for what we need and MORE so that we can do Gods will, and give to others."

Even in the little things, God will provide. Such as with out even asking, my new family at Generations Life Center in Mira Mesa, Ca are there for us. We are going to be moving in about a week, and I already have brothers that are telling us to just let them know when they are needed and they will be there to help us move. It is an amazing feeling knowing that we have such a huge support system that exceeds past our blood family, and into our daily lives in everyone around us. \
"Fellows of the same ship, moving through any of the seas that life brings, aka fellowshiping." 

I wont lie, I strayed away from the church for almost 3 years. I was attending a christian university, Bethany University in Santa Cruz, Ca in 2010 and my last chapel at that school in May was the very last time I set foot inside a church until I attended GLC in November of 2012. Brittney and I went and attended the service there one Sunday morning, and one of the first worship songs, I broke down. God laid the smack down on me and made me realize that I needed to come back.

Ever since, I fall back on Him for everything and praise Him for everything that goes right! I could not have made it through this move to San Diego from Phoenix Az with out Him. He is building me up to become a true warrior for him who will lead others to Him. I thank God everyday for what I do have and continue to pray that he builds me up and gives me the wisdom to point Britt and me into the right direction to do His will.

Moral of the story that I started off on is to never give up. God has always got our backs and will always be our provider. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. He was, is and always will be. From a worship song this weekend, I took these to heart this week,
 "Through you I can do anything, I can do all things. Its you who gives me strength. Nothing is impossible."

What to do!!

The last few years, I have been trying to get back to school, and it is too true what people have said to me; "Stay in school, if you don't its hard to go back." I have seen how hard it is when you have a full time job to go back to school and work.

My wife is very supportive in going back to school and I am going to be signing up for classes for the fall semester of 2013. All I can say is how excited I am to get back, but at the same time how scary it is to think that I could fail. I know I can do it, but it always that thought in the back of your mind. 

My wife, is in the United States Marine Corps so when she gets out she has the ability to got to school using the GI Bill which will be amazing for us since we will not have to pay for it, but for me and with the job that I have right now, I do not have to the Tuition Assistance that my previous job offered me. I should have taken advantage of it while I had the chance and let me tell you, if I get another job that offers it, I AM GOING TO TAKE IT! haha I will take advantage of every cent I can get. 

My wife is also thinking about maybe starting a hotel type business when she gets out. At the moment her job in the USMC is working with the barracks and a hotel on base. Managing many buildings, and with this experience, and if we get the right degrees in business, there is no way we could fail! I am fully in support of this new idea of hers and it gives me great peace to know we might be on a path to having a set plan for what we want to do with our lives.

I can not wait to see where God takes me and her and what he has in store for us!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Introduction to Lexi :)

Here is my 2013 Yamaha R6 that I am very grateful to have. I couldn't have had it with out the help of Britt, she is the best and helped me get it for my birthday back in February. 

This is one of the most recent pictures of Lexy :)

Love at first..account view?

              Its funny, the concept of online dating, and how someone could meet their truelove possibly on an online website. What is crazy is how people are not even using this different "dating websites" to meet people any more. For example, Instagram is bringing people together, and other sites such as tumblr.

              An online Match Made in Heaven is not relatively new to me as I have a family friend that met his wife on an online dating website. I was young and did not really understand the concept of meeting someone online and then up and moving your whole life from California all the way to Chicago! It was crazy! I did get to go visit them a few years later and guess what? He had a gorgeous house with his new family of his wife, two step kids, and at the time one child of his own, and with recent views at his Facebook profile (its been harder to actually keep in contact the last few years) they have an even nice house now and a beautiful family, two kids of his own, and this married couple could not be happier!

              As for Instagram, this is a more recent story and not finished just quite yet. I have a buddy of mine, Peter, who I met using the famous app. We were connected through the passion for our motorcycles, and the hashtag ( or the # symbol which is the way people can link their photos to different "Albums" per say ) #instamotogallery. This is where we started liking each others pics and stayed in contact. Well he is from Canada, and a story I did not know completely until we started using the App Voxer to talk more in depth outside of comments on our pics, is that he had met a girl on instagram some how some way and slowly made a very significant impact on her AND her families life. Peter helped restore a relationship between his love, Robyn, and her mom. Her mom contacted him crying because Robyn had told her that she loved her, and well, he flipped this whole families life around by being positive. Crazy thing is now, HE JUST MOVED TO CALIFORNIA! He is going to marry her!

            This is what I'm talking about. This online dating thing is changing. There is new found love in places you might not have been looking for it, but it jumped out right in your face! Me and my wife even kept in contact for a few years primarily over Facebook and Instagram, after only meeting for a weekend back in 2010. I fell In love with her at the city fair in Anderson, Ca and that was it. Life went on for a little while and then we came back together and will spend the rest of our life's together. This is a-whole-nother story to jump into later!

Subscribe down at the bottom! Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Whats up everyone.. first blog here

Alright for those of you who do not know me, I have some what of an addictive personality, its fun but I become consumed...for all the right reasons ;) For me, my addictions are my bike, photography and adventures with the wifey. Thats right ladies, leave some space, I am wifed up. Already found the one and only girl to spend the rest of my married life with :)

LEXI on the other hand, she is my ever loving mistress who I spend riding hard on the weekends... c'mon you guys get your mind out of the gutter!! I'm talking about my Yamaha R6! I thought you would have put two and two together by now since I did say one of my addictions was my BIKE!
She is a 2013, matte grey and every bit as sexy as you can imagine!

As for photography, man how did Apple get it so right with the iPhone cameras! Ever since I had the iPhone 3G and 3Gs I never thought it would get better, yet I was ever so wrong. Every phone never ceases to amaze me! I do miss having my cannon rebel xti back in the day, but I'm sure I will upgrade and get something very nice and maybe create some sort of side business out of it.. ?? Brittney (my wife) is always telling me that I should get on that!

I did use an awesome Samasung hand held camera for a while that would wirelessly transfer the pictures to your phone wherever you might be which was what I was always looking for, but I guess it wasn't meant to be since, well one went into the California Delta when on my friends house boat and the other, well Im going to guess it got stolen.... horrible, but I have gotten passed it and know that one day, something BIGGER and Better is bound to come my way. God always provides if it is meant to be :)

Last but NOT LEAST my beautiful wife Brittney We are newly wed and getting our first place together here soon. We love to travel and to hike, explore, check out any new place that we can find. It normally stems from a conversation along these lines:
       Me: "babe, what do you want to do today?"
       Britt: "I don't know..."
       Me: "well give me something *haha"
       Britt: "I wanna go hike!"
       Me:  "ok ill google it"
Ten minutes later we are in the car off to some new place we had never heard of before. Can't beat that! life always on the go with the love of my life!

Though times may get hard, and we fight, we still find a way to come back and rely on each other to get through every single aspect of the event, situation, hardship, struggle, stress, etc. and come out on top.

Well, I will wrap this up for now, can't wait to get in here and do some Vlogs about my bike, my life, my love, my passion and everything else in between.

Follow me!