Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Agape Love

First off the definition:

Agape: selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature).
To be able to have this kind of love for some one is truly amazing, and this is the reason people spend a whole life time together with one person, because of a true love that no matter what happens, not matter how hard times might get, you always know that the other one will always be there for you, will always care for you and will always protect you. 
This is not only what is found in a couples relationship when they have found their partner. I don't know about you guys, but my parents have truly always been there for me, and it was not until a few months ago that I realized what that meant. I have always had them there, and always have been thankful for them, but in last few months, I have been hundreds of miles apart from them, and always have needed someone to talk to, let it be about money, or how to handle different situations, or just to talk, they have never failed to be there for me and to take time out of their day to help me out. My heart has hurt over not being able to see them, and after three years of not living at home, I am starting to see how much they mean to me, and experiences I have been through have taught me what could happen, and especially with family and your loved ones, you can never take them for granted and never hold a grudge. You need to love unconditionally. 

Now from another definition of the word. 

Agape is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.
This Greek word and variations of it are found throughout the New Testament. Agape perfectly describes the kind of love Jesus Christ has for his Father and for his followers:
John 14:21 "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."

Just as an example of Agape love is what Christ and God in the matter. Christ loved everyone no matter what, look at Thomas who doubted Him, as well as Judas who betrayed Him. And God also loved us unconditionally when he sacrificed His own son on the cross for us. He took all sin from before and all sin in the future and put it on Christ's shoulders so that He make take that burden for us

I had a friend recently show me a story, one that a few of you might know already, but I had not seen it prior to him showing it to me. This is what has put me on the topic of Agape love. 
Chris Medina who was on American Idol, is a true example of a man, or person in general, who has Agape love. According to Access Hollywood's story on him, He was to be married to his fiancĂ©e, Juliana Ramos, but right before the wedding she suffered a brain injury from a tragic car accident. His music video "What Are Words" has a very touching meaning, telling his story about his love for his wife.  Honestly, this song brought me to tears.

He says,
"What are words if you really don't mean them when you say them? What are words if they're only for the good times, then they don't? When its love Yeah, you say them out loud those words they never go away They live on, even when we're gone...Every single promise I keep 'Cause what kind of guy would I be if I was to leave when you need me most? I am forever keeping my angel close."

He has stuck by Juliana's side ever since the accident and her injury occurred. He did not leave her when she was in the worst moments of her life or moments anyone could go through. He has been given the opportunity to really show his true colors and he is shinning. 

I could not imagine seeing Brittney be stripped from her self and from the life she once had. I know that  I have not been put into the situation that Chris Medina has, but I would expect my self to be right there by her bed side, loving her and making sure that I was caring for her in every aspect, to the best of my abilities.

 I really got to thinking about situations we are in, and how they will pass, and in this time, I need to be there for my wife and not be discouraged by anything happening around us, because I know that no matter what, for the rest of our time, we will always be right by each others sides, supporting each other however we can. And loving each other for who we are. Don't draw back in the hard times. I will draw into God and into Brittney when the going gets tough. Don't become distant because that will only make the times harder on both of you. You need to have that Agape love.

The story of Chris Medina, lets you really step back and have a larger perspective on life. Even though you might have issues in your life, first off, they are only temporary. You could have worst things happening. You also need to not hold grudges towards anyone. God told us to love each other, let it be a loved one or a stranger. We, as disciples, need to be known for our love. 

Here is the music video so you can hear his song and I will also link the Hollywood access story.